Sunday, March 14, 2010

Nice break from computer stuff.

I tell you, practicing my chanter after a day of computer stuff is a nice break. I feel more relaxed then tense. I don't think about other things going on like a job, or like what am I going to do for the day. I just sit and relax. I can practice anywhere. Now that it's getting nice out I plan to practice outside. Maybe go to a park with my dog Malcolm (westie, yes i'm a Scottish at heart) and just hang out and play.

I was at Star Bucks just the other day and someone walked up to me and asked me what I was playing. I brought my practice chanter with me and they where glad to hear it was a bagpipe chanter. I get some cool reactions from people when I practice outside. Luckily they can't hear me when I play my electric chanter and hear how bad I actually am.

I should have my Bagpipes that I ordered from Mark soon at I'll take a pic and post them up too. It's a Nice set of Mccallum Bagpipes. I will be back later in the week to keep you updated.