Thursday, March 25, 2010

Practicing everyday

Hey... well, it's Thursday. I practiced every day for at least a half hour to 45 minutes and will continue through out the week. I must say it's a good break from doing nothing. Here's the routine. I wake up at around 8am. Then I do my workout at 10am, after the work out I take a shower then go right to practice. I don't really touch the computer until about 1pm, so half the day is gone by then.

I start out with Amazing Grace. Then I move on to the other tunes that I have. I'm working on Set 1 for the MRPF band. The tunes are The Minstrel Boy, Let Erin Remember, and The Wearing of the Green. I have the first two tunes almost down. I do go back to Going Home to work on some stuff that Mark and I went over in the lesson. A good point he made a while back is to stretch the fingers. Get them ready for the workout. That way it's easier to hit the grace notes and the throws and the Taorluath(which for the record have never heard of until I started playing the pipes) those are pretty tough. I work on them everyday too.

There's a pipe band competition coming up soon in North Hampton Mass on July 17th. I'm hoping to at least go and check it out. I e-mailed the MRPF band to see if they need me, but to be honest I don't think i'll be ready to be at that point yet. This year is practicing, next year is joining the band, or at least by the end of the year. We will see how that goes. I'll keep you posted on the practicing. I might even take some pics of the new pipes when they come in. Heck I'll even throw in a pic of me in a kilt. You get to see my sexy white (stop traffic in a bad way) legs, woohoo for you, lol. On another note i'm really enjoying playing and hope to grow as the years go by. Like I said before I'll keep you posted. Thanks for reading. Oh and if your bored too.

If you are at home wondering what to do with your time and you're reading this. I would recommend to pick up an instrument. Not necessarily the pipes, but something that you would enjoy. Perhaps the pipes, I love the sound and the tunes of the pipes obviously. So pick something up. It's a nice break especially if you're unemployed like myself. Which by the way I hope to have a job by the end of next week,, yay! Ok well on that note, take care.